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博士学位论文《Ultrasound-Assisted Washing of Harmful Microorganisms and Pesticide Residues on the Surface of Fresh-cut Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa var. chinensis L.)》答辩海报 (defence poster)

时间:2019-12-20 编辑:荆海涛 点击:

  (degree level)                     (PhD)

    (title)   Ultrasound-Assisted Washing of Harmful Microorganisms and Pesticide Residues on the Surface of Fresh-cut Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa var. chinensis L.)


(advisor):                PROF. HAILE MA

答辩委员会主席(president of the defence committee)     Zhihong Xin

答辩委员会委员(members of the defence comittee)  Qiong Yin Wu, Ronghai He, Cunshan Zhou, Wenjuan Qu      



秘书(secretary)Bei Wang

答辩时间(defence time)201912 21 10:00

答辩地点(defence site)文华楼 506

